AVI CHAI helping fund evacuee Day School education

The AVI CHAI Foundation announced a one-year emergency grant program providing $3,000 per student to any Jewish day school in North America that enrolls Jewish children age four through twelfth grade who were evacuated from New Orleans or other communities as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

Grant payments will be made in two installments: $1,500 now and $1,500 at the start of the spring semester for each enrolled student.

There is no application form. Schools that believe they qualify for support should write to AVI CHAI at 1015 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028 and provide a list showing the name, parents’ names, former and current addresses, grade level and most recent prior school of each enrolled student. The letter/list of students should be signed by the school’s principal and president. Schools should also provide a copy of the IRS determination that they qualify as a tax-exempt organization. Checks will be sent within 30 days of receipt of the request and verification of the eligibility of the listed students.

AVI CHAI has developed this grant program in the hopes of assisting day schools to attract and properly serve Katrina evacuee children. They hope that their support will encourage schools and other community organizations to be proactive in recruiting these students.

For more information, contact Michael Trapunsky at (212) 396-8850 or info@avichaina.org.