Baum performing “Land Twice Promised” twice in region

Noa Baum will bring her one-woman show, “A Land Twice Promised” to several locations in the region this month.

A Jerusalem native, Baum has been performing and doing storytelling workshops since 1982. A former actress with the Khan Theater in Jerusalem, she combined storytelling and drama while working in a school for emotionally disturbed boys in Tel-Aviv.

Since 1990 she has lived in the United States and performed in hundreds of venues.

“A Land Twice Promised” comes from a dialogue she had with a Palestinian woman in the United States. She weaves their memories and stories together to illustrate the complex and contradictory history and emotions surrounding Jerusalem, for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

The show includes narratives from the perspective of a Palestinian who grew up under Israeli rule, an Israeli child’s memory of the 1967 war, a Palestinian mother’s memory of the same war, and an Israeli woman’s experience of the 1948 war and the loss of her brother.

Baum’s Tuscaloosa appearance on Jan. 11 will be at the Tuscaloosa River Market. Cocktails begin at 6:30 p.m. with a cash bar, followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and the show at 8 p.m. Music will be provided by the Jazz Seekers. Tickets are $50.

On Jan. 12 she will be at Temple Beth Shalom in Fort Walton Beach. At 4 p.m. she will lead a family storytelling workshop. A community dinner follows at 5 p.m., then she gives her performance at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person in advance for the entire evening.

Her Southern tour is being coordinated by the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life. She will also be in Macon on Jan. 26 for a family storytelling session and performance of “Impossible to Translate.”

In March she will be featured at LimmudFest New Orleans.