February 22, 2009

Aronov Builders do Extreme Makeover

Alabama viewers of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” on ABC will see a familiar name in an upcoming episode. Aronov Homes announced on Feb. 2 that it was joining the Emmy award-winning show in building a home for a local family over the course of one […]
February 8, 2009

Duvdevani comes home to talk about her home near Gaza

When Israel, tired of an endless barrage of Hamas missiles fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip, decided to take military action, the Birmingham Jewish Federation knew of an expert they could turn to for explaining the situation. Margaret Kartus Duvdevani, who grew up in […]
February 4, 2009

New Orleans to host Maccabi ArtsFest

Three years after the aftermath from Hurricane Katrina forced the New Orleans Jewish community to cancel its turn at hosting the Maccabi Games, the Maccabi ArtsFest will come to the city. The Maccabi Games is an annual athletic competition for Jewish teens, coordinated by the […]
January 10, 2009

Area Palestinians, Peace Activists Rally Against Israel

There were many children at the rally, echoing a main theme of the protest For Kirk Epstein, it was often a struggle to get his message across. Epstein was the lone counter-protester at a pro-Palestinian rally held at Birmingham’s Linn Park today, organized by the […]
January 4, 2009

Knoxville synagogues vandalized during Gaza operations

In Knoxville, Tenn., both local synagogues were vandalized during the past week. According to the Knoxville News-Sentinel, four of six stained glass windows were broken by thrown rocks at Temple Beth El, and rocks were also thrown at Heska Amuna Synagogue but did little more […]
December 17, 2008

Cafe du Monde beignets now kosher

Just in time for Chanukah, a signature taste of New Orleans is now kosher. Following a year-long effort by a determined rabbi, Café du Monde has been certified as officially kosher by the Louisiana Kashrut Committee. Beignets made in all six establishments throughout the city […]
December 15, 2008

Jacobs Camp announces 40th anniversary events

The Henry S. Jacobs Camp announced that a major part of the camp’s 40th anniversary celebration next summer will be a concert by Dan Nichols and E18hteen, featuring favorite camp songs from across the years. The concert will be on Aug. 8 in conjunction with […]
December 10, 2008

Hadassah cancels 2009 national convention in New Orleans

When Hadassah, the women’s Zionist organization of America, announced that its 2009 annual convention would be held in New Orleans, it was seen as a boost for a city trying to rebuild its tourism and convention business, and for a Jewish community trying to replenish […]
September 18, 2008

Dothan initiative draws national attention

An initiative to bring Jews to Dothan became a media sensation in early September. In June, Blumberg Family Jewish Community Services of Dothan started advertising in a handful of Jewish newspapers across the country, touting an incentive package of up to $50,000 for up to […]