August 2, 2020

David Duke banned from Twitter for online hate

On July 31, Twitter announced that it was permanently banning one of Louisiana’s most notorious residents, former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, for “repeated violations of the Twitter rules on hateful conduct.” Duke had over 53,000 followers on Twitter. A spokesperson said the […]
July 30, 2020

PensaKosher Initiative Makes Panhandle Kashrut Easier

Keeping kosher on the panhandle just got easier, with a four-part PensaKosher initiative from Chabad of Pensacola.   Rabbi Mendel and Nechama Danow announced the program in a video during which they seek out kosher items in Walmart. “All over the place there’s a little […]
July 23, 2020

Combining Mississippi and Israel: International Blues Day Festival Online Aug. 1

Nobody’s Fault Productions, an Israeli music producer with an emphasis on blues, will celebrate International Blues Day with a 12-hour virtual festival, featuring blues musicians from Israel and the United States, with a heavy emphasis on Mississippi. The festival will run from noon to midnight […]
July 20, 2020

Cotton States no longer — BBYO region takes Delta name

For Jewish teens in the Deep South, Cotton States Region of BBYO is no more — the region has been renamed Delta Region. The announcement was made by regional directors Zoe Goldberg and Skylar Haas on July 17, after several years of debate over perceived […]
July 20, 2020

Changing Society: Wearing and celebrating the “New Miss”

James Meredith wearing the New Miss hat. Photo courtesy Suzi Altman With the removal of monuments and other symbols of the Confederacy from public lands, one of the biggest hurdles was Mississippi deciding on June 30, after years of controversy, to redesign the state flag, […]
July 10, 2020

Shreveport lawmaker criticized for comparing mask ordinances to Nazi tyranny

Facebook screenshot Another Louisiana lawmaker is being criticized for comparing Covid-19 mandates to the tyranny that led to Nazi Germany. In a July 7 video posted to his Facebook page, State Rep. Danny McCormick posted a video decrying a facemask mandate that had been declared […]
July 10, 2020

Madeleine Albright, Bruce Pearl to headline BHEC virtual event

Bruce Pearl speaks at the Alabama Holocaust Commemoration in Montgomery, April 2019 As the annual L’Chaim celebration by the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center moves virtual this year due to social distancing limitations, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl […]
July 10, 2020

“I Don’t Want Your Babies Fighting Racial Battles 50 Years From Now”

By Richard Friedman As the national temperature continues to rise over racial issues, Birmingham’s Levite Jewish Community Center recently hosted a Zoom seminar with one of the city’s most prominent African-American activists and race discussion facilitators, T. Marie King. The session centered on how to […]
July 9, 2020

Roy Moore’s defamation suit against Sacha Baron Cohen can continue

Roy Moore at a November 2017 rally The defamation lawsuit filed by former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, Showtime and CBS can proceed, according to a New York District Court judge. On July 6, Judge Andrew Carter rejected […]